Finding Peace in Uncertainty

      Making peace with uncertainty has been a huge lesson for me the past few years. Change is inevitable. It is one of the few things we can be certain of. I often find it is my resistance to change that causes me to experience fear. I find the more I soften into reframing uncertainty into possibility, the more I am able to find joy in my life. 

     I have found that my meditation practice has given me great comfort when facing uncertainty in life. As I practice and experience stillness, I am reminded that I am whole and right where I am supposed to be. 

     When I find myself overwhelmed with uncertainty,  I am not present. Rather, I am stuck in a pattern of thoughts that are worrying about the future or ruminating in the past. Meditation creates an imprint of stillness in my body and mind. Therefore, I am quicker to sense when I am not present and able to bring my awareness back. 

     In mantra based meditation, we use the mantra as a tool to help focus our mind and eventually let go into the stillness and peace within. Mantra means “vehicle of the mind.” The manra we use does not have a meaning, We use the mantra for its sound and vibration. quality. We use it to take us to quieter and quieter levels of silence within. 

     Experiencing this sense of peace from my practice has translated into trusting life. Even when I am unclear or not sure what direction to take. I can find peace in the present moment and trust that the next step will present itself.  I am allowing the inspiration I receive from the present moment to guide me. 

Thich Nat Hahn, says “First you must learn to still the mind. And once you are there, you don’t take action, action takes you”.

     Meditation has allowed me the gift to see the wonder and opportunity in change. 

Can you think of a time in your life when you were able to see the opportunity in the discomfort of uncertainty?


Benefits of a Meditation Practice